OSSSC VLW /PEO Recruitment 2022|| 10+2 Pas Job Apply Online Now 1200+ Vacancies
Osssc New Notification has shared a recruitment advertisement for the post VLW/PEO 1200 Post. If you have minimum 10+2 pass then you may be eligible for this recruitment. I have mentioned detail information about this recruitment such as vacancy details, educational qualification, selection process, salary, age criteria, application fee, and etc.
Organization Name:- Panchayatraj Drinkingwater Department
Post Name :- VLW/PEO
Total Vacancy :- 1200
Apply Mode :- Online
Application fee:- SC/ST/Female no fee UR/OBC -100
Payment mode:- Online Credit /Debit card /Netbanking
Age criteria :-
Minimum age 21 yrs
Maximum age 40 yrs
Age relaxation as the govt rule
Qualification :- 10+2 pas with computer knowledge
Selection Process :-
1.written Test
2.skill Test
3.documents verification
VLW/PEO Recruitment 2021: Plan of Examination
Maximum Marks
Three Hours
Objective Reasoning
Objective Mathematics
Objective GK
Objective Computer Knowledge
Practical Skill Test
Basic Computer Skill
One Hour
Important Notes:
- Those who qualify in the written test shall be called for practical skill test @10 times of the vacancies.
- The practical skill test shall be of qualifying nature.
- The qualifying mark of practical skill test is 15.
Panchayat Executive Officer Recruitment 2021: Syllabus
1.English: The question paper in English will be designed to test the candidate’s understanding of English and workman like use of words. The question will include Grammar, usage vocabulary and comprehension to test candidate’s proficiency in English.
2.Odia: Question will cover Grammar and usage, correct construction of sentences and correct use of words.
3.Mathematics: (a) Number System: Natural number, integers, rational and real numbers, addition, subtractions, multiplications, division, square roots, decimal fraction.
(b) Unitary Method: Time and Distance, time and work, percentage, simple and compound interest, profit and loss, ration and proportion.
4.Geranela Knowledge: (a) General Science: Elementary knowledge of human body and its important organs, common epidemics, constituent of food, balanced diet, solar system. (b) Elementary Ideas: about Physics and Chemistry.
5.History: Freedom movement- A broad survey of Indian History with emphasis on culture and civilizations.
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