Odisha Panchayat Recruitment 2021||10th Pas Job Apply 1050 Post Vacancy
Odisha Employment exchange Registration Office has shared a recruitment advertisement for the post 1.Registration Officer 2. Supervisor 3. Fields Officer . If you have minimum 10th &10+2 pass then you may be eligible for this recruitment. I have mentioned detail information about this recruitment such as vacancy details, educational qualification, selection process, salary, age criteria, application fee, and etc.
About this Recruitment :
Organization Name :- Employment exchange Registration Office
Apply Mode :- Offline
Application fee:-No fee all categories
Total Vacancy :- 1050
1.Registration Officer
3.Fields Officer
Who can apply :-all odisha candidate both male & Female
Qualification :- 8th, 10th & +2 Pas
Salery :- 5000-30000
Selection Process :- Career Mark
Job Location :- Your Village & Panchayat under job
Apply start date :- 10/09/2021
Apply last date :- 08/10/2021
How to apply offline:-send boidata farmart & all Educanal certificate self-astested all copg sent to the address Employment Research Exchange post box no-24 Cuttack- 753001
Notification pdf :- 👉 click here